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Parsing a stream

To parse a mime stream using zbateson/mail-mime-parser, create a ZBateson\MailMimeParser\MailMimeParser object and call parse(), passing it a resource handle or string. The MailMimeParser::parse() method returns a ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message object representing the parsed mime message.

// $resource = fopen('my-file.mime', 'r');
// ...
$parser = new \ZBateson\MailMimeParser\MailMimeParser();
$message = $parser->parse($resource);     // returns a ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message

Message headers

Headers are represented by ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Header\AbstractHeader and sub-classes depending on the type of header. In general:

To retrieve an AbstractHeader object, call Message::getHeader().

// $message = $parser->parse($resource);
// ...
$to = $message->getHeader('To');     // would return a ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Header\AddressHeader
if ($to->hasAddress('')) {
    // ...

For convenience, Message::getHeaderValue() can be used to retrieve the value of a header (for multi-part headers like email addresses, the first part’s value is returned).

$contentType = $message->getHeaderValue('Content-Type');

In addtion, Message::getHeaderParameter() can be used as a convenience method to retrieve the value of parameter part of a ParameterHeader, for example:

// 3rd parameter optionally defines a default return value
$charset = $message->getHeaderParameter('Content-Type', 'charset', 'us-ascii');
// as opposed to
$parameterHeader = $message->getHeader('Content-Type');
$charset = $parameterHeader->getValueFor('charset', 'us-ascii');    // 2nd parameter also optional

Mime message parts (text, html and other attachments)

Essentially, the \ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message object returned is itself a sub-class of \ZBateson\MailMimeParser\MimePart. The difference between them is: MimeParts can only be added to a Message.

All parsed mime parts, and deeper mime parts, are added to the Message as attachment parts for convenience, rather than mimic the original structure of the mime-formatted message however it’s sent.

The Message provides convenience methods for accessing attachment parts, and the main message body (text and/or HTML):

The MimePart defines header functions and stream functions, e.g.

// $message = $parser->parse($resource);
// ...
$att = $message->getAttachmentPart(0);
echo $att->getHeader('Content-Type');
echo stream_get_contents($att->getContentResourceHandle());

Reading text and html parts

As a convenient way of reading the text and HTML parts of a Message, use Message::getTextStream() and Message::getHtmlStream().

// $message = $parser->parse($resource);
// ...
$txtHandle = $message->getTextStream();
echo stream_get_contents($txtHandle);
$htmlHandle = $message->getHtmlStream();
echo stream_get_contents($htmlHandle);