MailMimeParser 3.0

ParserPartProxy extends PartBuilder
in package

Proxy between a MessagePart and a Parser.

ParserPartProxy objects are responsible for ferrying requests from message parts to a proxy as they're requested, and for maintaining state information for a parser as necessary.


Zaahid Bateson

Table of Contents

$parser  : IParserService
$partBuilder  : PartBuilder
$headerContainer  : PartHeaderContainer
$messageHandle  : mixed
$messageStream  : StreamInterface|null
$parent  : ParserPartProxy|null
$part  : IMessagePart
$streamContentEndPos  : int|null
$streamContentStartPos  : int|null
$streamPartEndPos  : int
$streamPartStartPos  : int
__construct()  : mixed
__destruct()  : mixed
addError()  : ParserPartProxy
getHeaderContainer()  : PartHeaderContainer
Returns this part's PartHeaderContainer.
getMessageResourceHandle()  : resource
Returns the resource handle for a the message's stream, getting it from the parent part if this is a child part.
getMessageResourceHandlePos()  : int
Shortcut for calling ftell($partBuilder->getMessageResourceHandle()).
getParent()  : ParserPartProxy|null
The ParserPartProxy parent of this PartBuilder.
getPart()  : IMessagePart
Returns the IMessagePart associated with this proxy.
getStream()  : StreamInterface
Returns the raw message StreamInterface for a message, getting it from the parent part if this is a child part.
getStreamContentLength()  : int
Returns the length of this part's content stream.
getStreamContentStartPos()  : int|null
Returns the byte offset start position of the content of this part within the main raw message stream, or null if not set.
getStreamPartLength()  : int
Returns the number of raw bytes this part has.
getStreamPartStartPos()  : int
Returns the byte offset start position for this part within the message stream.
isContentParsed()  : bool
Returns true if the byte offset positions for this part's content have been set.
isMime()  : bool
Returns true if this part, or any parent, have a Content-Type or MIME-Version header set.
parseAll()  : static
Parses everything under this part.
parseContent()  : static
Requests the parser to parse this part's content, and call setStreamContentStartPos/EndPos to setup this part's boundaries within the main message's raw stream.
setPart()  : static
Sets the associated part.
setStreamContentStartPos()  : static
Sets the byte offset start position of the content in the raw message stream.
setStreamPartAndContentEndPos()  : static
Sets the byte offset end position of the content and part in the raw message stream.
setStreamPartEndPos()  : static
Sets the byte offset end position of the part in the raw message stream, and also calls its parent's setParentStreamPartEndPos to expand to parent PartBuilders.
setStreamPartStartPos()  : static
Sets the byte offset start position of the part in the raw message stream.



private mixed $messageHandle = null

the raw message input stream handle constructed from $messageStream or null for a child part


private StreamInterface|null $messageStream = null

the raw message input stream for a message, or null for a child part.


private ParserPartProxy|null $parent = null

The parent ParserPartProxy if one is set, or null if part doesn't have a parent.


private int|null $streamContentEndPos = null

The offset read end position in the message's stream for the end of this part's content (body).


private int|null $streamContentStartPos = null

The offset read start position in the message's stream for the beginning of this part's content (body).


private int $streamPartEndPos

The offset read end position for this part. If the part is a multipart mime part, the end position is after all of this parts children.


private int $streamPartStartPos

The offset read start position for this part (beginning of headers) in the message's stream.



public __destruct() : mixed
Return values


Returns the resource handle for a the message's stream, getting it from the parent part if this is a child part.

public getMessageResourceHandle() : resource
Return values


Shortcut for calling ftell($partBuilder->getMessageResourceHandle()).

public getMessageResourceHandlePos() : int
Return values


Returns the raw message StreamInterface for a message, getting it from the parent part if this is a child part.

public getStream() : StreamInterface
Return values


Returns the length of this part's content stream.

public getStreamContentLength() : int

This method does not perform checks on whether the start pos and end pos of this part's content have been set, and so could cause errors if called before being set and are still null.

Return values


Returns the byte offset start position of the content of this part within the main raw message stream, or null if not set.

public getStreamContentStartPos() : int|null
Return values


Returns the number of raw bytes this part has.

public getStreamPartLength() : int

This method does not perform checks on whether the start pos and end pos of this part have been set, and so could cause errors if called before being set and are still null.

Return values


Returns the byte offset start position for this part within the message stream.

public getStreamPartStartPos() : int
Return values


Returns true if the byte offset positions for this part's content have been set.

public isContentParsed() : bool
Return values

true if set.


Returns true if this part, or any parent, have a Content-Type or MIME-Version header set.

public isMime() : bool
Return values

true if it's a mime message or child of a mime message.


Parses everything under this part.

public parseAll() : static

For ParserPartProxy, this is just content, but sub-classes may override this to parse all children as well for example.

Return values


Requests the parser to parse this part's content, and call setStreamContentStartPos/EndPos to setup this part's boundaries within the main message's raw stream.

public parseContent() : static

The method first checks to see if the content has already been parsed, and is safe to call multiple times.

Return values


Sets the byte offset start position of the content in the raw message stream.

public setStreamContentStartPos(int $streamContentStartPos) : static
$streamContentStartPos : int
Return values


Sets the byte offset end position of the content and part in the raw message stream.

public setStreamPartAndContentEndPos(int $streamContentEndPos) : static
$streamContentEndPos : int
Return values


Sets the byte offset end position of the part in the raw message stream, and also calls its parent's setParentStreamPartEndPos to expand to parent PartBuilders.

public setStreamPartEndPos(int $streamPartEndPos) : static
$streamPartEndPos : int
Return values


Sets the byte offset start position of the part in the raw message stream.

public setStreamPartStartPos(int $streamPartStartPos) : static
$streamPartStartPos : int
Return values

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