MailMimeParser 3.0

MimePart extends MultiPart
in package
implements IMimePart

A mime email message part.

A MIME part may contain any combination of headers, content and children.


Zaahid Bateson

Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums

An interface representation of any MIME email part.

Table of Contents

$charsetOverride  : string|null
$headerContainer  : PartHeaderContainer
$ignoreTransferEncoding  : bool
$logger  : LoggerInterface
$observers  : SplObjectStorage
$parent  : IMimePart|null
$partChildrenContainer  : PartChildrenContainer
$partStreamContainer  : PartStreamContainer
$errors  : array<string|int, mixed>
$validated  : bool
__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : string
Returns the message/part as a string, containing its headers, content and children.
addChild()  : static
Registers the passed part as a child of the current part.
addError()  : static
Creates and adds an Error object to this ErrorBag.
addRawHeader()  : static
Adds a header with the given $name and $value.
attach()  : void
attachContentStream()  : static
Attaches the stream or resource handle for the part's content. The stream is closed when another stream is attached, or the MimePart is destroyed.
detach()  : void
detachContentStream()  : static
Detaches the content stream.
getAllErrors()  : array<string|int, Error>
Returns any errors on this object, and all IErrorBag children of this object at or above the passed PSR log level from Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).
getAllHeaders()  : array<string|int, IHeader>
Returns an array of all headers in this part.
getAllHeadersByName()  : array<string|int, IHeader>
Returns an array of headers that match the passed name.
getAllParts()  : array<string|int, IMessagePart>
Returns the current part, all child parts, and child parts of all children optionally filtering them with the provided PartFilter.
getAllPartsByMimeType()  : array<string|int, IMessagePart>
Returns an array of all parts that have a content type matching the passed mime type.
getBinaryContentResourceHandle()  : resource|null
Returns a resource handle for the content's raw data stream, or null if the part doesn't have a content stream.
getBinaryContentStream()  : StreamInterface|null
Returns the raw data stream for the current part, if it exists, or null if there's no content associated with the stream.
getCharset()  : string|null
Returns the charset of the content, or null if not applicable/defined.
getChild()  : IMessagePart|null
Returns the direct child at the given 0-based index and optional filter, or null if none exist or do not match.
getChildCount()  : int
Returns the number of direct children under this part (optionally counting only filtered items if a callable filter is passed).
getChildIterator()  : RecursiveIterator<string|int, IMessagePart>
Returns a \RecursiveIterator of child parts.
getChildParts()  : array<string|int, IMessagePart>
Returns an array of all direct child parts, optionally filtering them with a passed callable.
getContent()  : string|null
Shortcut to reading stream content and assigning it to a string. Returns null if the part doesn't have a content stream.
getContentDisposition()  : string
Returns the content's disposition, or returns the value of $default if not defined.
getContentId()  : string|null
Returns the Content ID of the part, or null if not defined.
getContentStream()  : StreamInterface|null
Returns the StreamInterface for the part's content or null if the part doesn't have a content section.
getContentTransferEncoding()  : string
Returns the content transfer encoding used to encode the content on this part, or the value of $default if not defined.
getContentType()  : string
Returns the mime type of the content, or $default if one is not set.
getCountOfPartsByMimeType()  : int
Returns the number of parts that have content types matching the passed mime type.
getErrorBagChildren()  : array<string|int, IErrorBag>
Return any children ErrorBag objects.
getErrorLoggingContextName()  : string
Returns the class name. Override to identify objects in logs.
getErrors()  : array<string|int, Error>
Returns any local errors this object has at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).
getFilename()  : string|null
Returns a filename for the part if one is defined, or null otherwise.
getHeader()  : IHeader|null
Returns the IHeader object for the header with the given $name.
getHeaderAs()  : IHeader|null
Returns the IHeader object for the header with the given $name, using the passed $iHeaderClass to construct it.
getHeaderParameter()  : string|null
Returns the value of the parameter named $param on a header with the passed $header name, or null if the parameter doesn't exist and a $defaultValue isn't passed.
getHeaderValue()  : string|null
Returns the string value for the header with the given $name, or null if the header doesn't exist and no alternative $defaultValue is passed.
getParent()  : IMimePart|null
Returns this part's parent.
getPart()  : IMessagePart|null
Returns the part at the given 0-based index for this part (part 0) and all parts under it, or null if not found with the passed filter function.
getPartByContentId()  : IMessagePart|null
Returns a part that has the given Content ID, or null if not found.
getPartByMimeType()  : IMessagePart|null
Returns the part that has a content type matching the passed mime type at the given index, or null if there are no matching parts.
getPartCount()  : int
Returns the total number of parts in this and all children.
getRawHeaderIterator()  : Traversable<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
Returns an iterator to all headers in this part. Each returned element is an array with its first element set to the header's name, and the second to its raw value:
getRawHeaders()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
Returns a two dimensional string array of all headers for the mime part with the first element holding the name, and the second its raw string value:
getResourceHandle()  : resource
Returns a resource handle for the string representation of this part, containing its headers, content and children. For an IMessage, this would be the entire RFC822 (or greater) email.
getStream()  : StreamInterface
Returns a Psr7 StreamInterface for the string representation of this part, containing its headers, content and children.
hasAnyErrors()  : bool
Returns true if there are errors on this object, or any IErrorBag child of this object at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR). Note that this will stop after finding the first error and return, so may be slightly more performant if an error actually exists over calling getAllErrors if only interested in whether an error exists.
hasContent()  : bool
Returns true if the part contains a 'body' (content).
hasErrors()  : bool
Returns true if this object has an error in its error bag at or above the passed $minPsrLevel (defaults to ERROR). If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed.
isMime()  : bool
Returns true.
isMultiPart()  : bool
Returns true if this part's content type matches multipart/*
isSignaturePart()  : bool
Returns true if this part's parent is an IMessage, and is the same part returned by {@see IMessage::getSignaturePart()}.
isTextPart()  : bool
Returns true if this part has a defined 'charset' on its Content-Type header.
notify()  : void
removeAllParts()  : int
Removes all parts below the current part. If a callable filter is passed, removes only those matching the passed filter. The number of removed parts is returned.
removeHeader()  : static
Removes all headers from this part with the passed name.
removePart()  : int|null
Removes the child part from this part and returns its previous position or null if it wasn't found.
removeSingleHeader()  : static
Removes a single header with the passed name (in cases where more than one may exist, and others should be preserved).
save()  : static
Writes a string representation of this part, including its headers, content and children to the passed file, resource, or stream.
saveContent()  : static
Saves the binary content of the stream to the passed file, resource or stream.
setCharsetOverride()  : static
Overrides the default character set used for reading content from content streams in cases where a user knows the source charset is not what is specified.
setContent()  : static
Sets the content of the part to the passed string, resource, or stream.
setRawHeader()  : static
Adds a header with the given $name and $value. An optional $offset may be passed, which will overwrite a header if one exists with the given name and offset only. Otherwise a new header is added. The passed $offset may be ignored in that case if it doesn't represent the next insert position for the header with the passed name... instead it would be 'pushed' on at the next position.
validate()  : void
Perform any extra validation and call 'addError'.
getAllPartsIterator()  : AppendIterator
iteratorFindAt()  : IMessagePart|null



protected string|null $charsetOverride = null

can be used to set an override for content's charset in cases where a user knows the charset on the content is not what it claims to be.


protected bool $ignoreTransferEncoding = false

set to true when a user attaches a stream manually, it's assumed to already be decoded or to have relevant transfer encoding decorators attached already.


protected LoggerInterface $logger


protected SplObjectStorage $observers

attached observers that need to be notified of modifications to this part.


private array<string|int, mixed> $errors = []

array of Error objects belonging to this object.


private bool $validated = false

true once the object has been validated.



public __construct([IMimePart|null $parent = null ][, LoggerInterface|null $logger = null ][, PartStreamContainer|null $streamContainer = null ][, PartHeaderContainer|null $headerContainer = null ][, PartChildrenContainer|null $partChildrenContainer = null ]) : mixed
$parent : IMimePart|null = null
$logger : LoggerInterface|null = null
$streamContainer : PartStreamContainer|null = null
$headerContainer : PartHeaderContainer|null = null
$partChildrenContainer : PartChildrenContainer|null = null
Return values


Returns the message/part as a string, containing its headers, content and children.

public __toString() : string

Convenience method for calling getContents() on IMessagePart::getStream().

Return values


Registers the passed part as a child of the current part.

public addChild(MessagePart $part[, int|null $position = null ]) : static

If the $position parameter is non-null, adds the part at the passed position index, otherwise adds it as the last child.

$part : MessagePart

The part to add.

$position : int|null = null

Optional insertion position 0-based index.

Return values


Creates and adds an Error object to this ErrorBag.

public addError(string $message, string $psrLogLevel[, Throwable|null $exception = null ]) : static
$message : string
$psrLogLevel : string
$exception : Throwable|null = null
Return values


Adds a header with the given $name and $value.

public addRawHeader(string $name, string $value) : static

Note: If a header with the passed name already exists, a new header is created with the same name. This should only be used when that is intentional - in most cases IMimePart::setRawHeader() should be called instead.

A new IHeader object is created from the passed value. No processing on the passed string is performed, and so the passed name and value must be formatted correctly according to related RFCs. In particular, be careful to encode non-ascii data, to keep lines under 998 characters in length, and to follow any special formatting required for the type of header.

$name : string

The name of the header

$value : string

The raw value of the header.

Return values


public attach(SplObserver $observer) : void
$observer : SplObserver
Return values


Attaches the stream or resource handle for the part's content. The stream is closed when another stream is attached, or the MimePart is destroyed.

public attachContentStream(StreamInterface $stream[, string $streamCharset = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET ]) : static
$stream : StreamInterface

the content

$streamCharset : string = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET

the charset of $stream

Return values


public detach(SplObserver $observer) : void
$observer : SplObserver
Return values


Detaches the content stream.

public detachContentStream() : static
Return values


Returns any errors on this object, and all IErrorBag children of this object at or above the passed PSR log level from Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).

public getAllErrors([bool $validate = false ][, string $minPsrLevel = LogLevel::ERROR ]) : array<string|int, Error>

Care should be taken using this if the intention is to only 'preview' a message without parsing it entirely, since this will cause the whole message to be parsed as it traverses children, and could be slow on messages with large attachments, etc...

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed on children to check for errors.

$validate : bool = false
$minPsrLevel : string = LogLevel::ERROR
Return values
array<string|int, Error>


Returns an array of all headers in this part.

public getAllHeaders() : array<string|int, IHeader>
Return values
array<string|int, IHeader>

an array of header objects


Returns an array of headers that match the passed name.

public getAllHeadersByName(string $name) : array<string|int, IHeader>
$name : string
Return values
array<string|int, IHeader>

an array of header objects


Returns the current part, all child parts, and child parts of all children optionally filtering them with the provided PartFilter.

public getAllParts([callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : array<string|int, IMessagePart>

Note that the first part returned is the current part itself. This is often desirable for queries with a passed filter, e.g. looking for an IMessagePart with a specific Content-Type that may be satisfied by the current part.

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values
array<string|int, IMessagePart>

An array of matching parts.


Returns an array of all parts that have a content type matching the passed mime type.

public getAllPartsByMimeType(string $mimeType) : array<string|int, IMessagePart>

Creates a filter that looks at the return value of IMessagePart::getContentType() for all parts (including the current part), returning an array of matching parts.

$mimeType : string

The mime type to find.

Return values
array<string|int, IMessagePart>

An array of matching parts.


Returns a resource handle for the content's raw data stream, or null if the part doesn't have a content stream.

public getBinaryContentResourceHandle() : resource|null

The method wraps a call to IMessagePart::getBinaryContentStream() and returns a resource handle for the returned Stream.

Return values

the resource


Returns the raw data stream for the current part, if it exists, or null if there's no content associated with the stream.

public getBinaryContentStream() : StreamInterface|null

This is basically the same as calling IMessagePart::getContentStream(), except no automatic charset conversion is done. Note that for non-text streams, this doesn't have an effect, as charset conversion is not performed in that case, and is useful only when:

  • The charset defined is not correct, and the conversion produces errors; or
  • You'd like to read the raw contents without conversion, for instance to save it to file or allow a user to download it as-is (in a download link for example).
Return values

the stream


Returns the charset of the content, or null if not applicable/defined.

public getCharset() : string|null

Looks for a 'charset' parameter under the 'Content-Type' header of this part and returns it if set, defaulting to 'ISO-8859-1' if the Content-Type header exists and is of type text/plain or text/html.

Note that the returned value is also converted to upper case.

Return values

the charset


Returns the direct child at the given 0-based index and optional filter, or null if none exist or do not match.

public getChild(int $index[, callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : IMessagePart|null

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$index : int

0-based index

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values

The matching direct child part or null if not found.


Returns the number of direct children under this part (optionally counting only filtered items if a callable filter is passed).

public getChildCount([callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : int

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values

The number of children, or number of children matching the the passed filtering callable.


Returns an array of all direct child parts, optionally filtering them with a passed callable.

public getChildParts([callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : array<string|int, IMessagePart>

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values
array<string|int, IMessagePart>

An array of matching child parts.


Shortcut to reading stream content and assigning it to a string. Returns null if the part doesn't have a content stream.

public getContent([string $charset = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET ]) : string|null

The returned string is encoded to the passed $charset character encoding.

$charset : string = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET

the target charset for the returned string

Return values

the content


Returns the content's disposition, or returns the value of $default if not defined.

public getContentDisposition([string $default = 'inline' ]) : string

Looks at the 'Content-Disposition' header, which should only contain either 'inline' or 'attachment'. If the header is not one of those values, $default is returned, which defaults to 'inline' unless passed something else.

$default : string = 'inline'

Optional default value if not set or does not match 'inline' or 'attachment'.

Return values

the content disposition


Returns the Content ID of the part, or null if not defined.

public getContentId() : string|null

Looks up and returns the value of the 'Content-ID' header.

Return values

the content ID or null if not defined.


Returns the StreamInterface for the part's content or null if the part doesn't have a content section.

public getContentStream([string $charset = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET ]) : StreamInterface|null

To get a stream without charset conversion if you know the part's content contains a binary stream, call self::getBinaryContentStream() instead.

The library automatically handles decoding and charset conversion (to the target passed $charset) based on the part's transfer encoding as returned by IMessagePart::getContentTransferEncoding() and the part's charset as returned by IMessagePart::getCharset(). The returned stream is ready to be read from directly.

Note that the returned Stream is a shared object. If called multiple times with the same $charset, and the value of the part's Content-Transfer-Encoding header has not changed, the stream will be rewound. This would affect other existing variables referencing the stream, for example:

// assuming $part is a part containing the following
// string for its content: '12345678'
$stream = $part->getContentStream();
$someChars = $part->read(4);

$stream2 = $part->getContentStream();
$moreChars = $part->read(4);
echo ($someChars === $moreChars);    //1

In this case the Stream was rewound, and $stream's second call to read 4 bytes reads the same first 4.

$charset : string = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET

Optional charset for the returned stream.

Return values

the stream


Returns the content transfer encoding used to encode the content on this part, or the value of $default if not defined.

public getContentTransferEncoding([string $default = '7bit' ]) : string

Looks up and returns the value of the 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' header if set, defaulting to '7bit' if an alternate $default param is not passed.

The returned value is always lowercase, and header values of 'x-uue', 'uue' and 'uuencode' will return 'x-uuencode' instead.

$default : string = '7bit'

Optional default value to return if the header isn't set.

Return values

the content transfer encoding.


Returns the mime type of the content, or $default if one is not set.

public getContentType([string $default = 'text/plain' ]) : string

Looks at the part's Content-Type header and returns its value if set, or defaults to 'text/plain'.

Note that the returned value is converted to lower case, and may not be identical to calling MimePart::getHeaderValue('Content-Type') in some cases.

$default : string = 'text/plain'

Optional default value to specify a default other than text/plain if needed.

Return values

the mime type


Returns the number of parts that have content types matching the passed mime type.

public getCountOfPartsByMimeType(string $mimeType) : int
$mimeType : string

The mime type to find.

Return values

The number of matching parts.


Return any children ErrorBag objects.

public getErrorBagChildren() : array<string|int, IErrorBag>
Return values
array<string|int, IErrorBag>


Returns the class name. Override to identify objects in logs.

public getErrorLoggingContextName() : string
Return values


Returns any local errors this object has at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR).

public getErrors([bool $validate = false ][, string $minPsrLevel = LogLevel::ERROR ]) : array<string|int, Error>

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed on the object to check for errors.

$validate : bool = false
$minPsrLevel : string = LogLevel::ERROR
Return values
array<string|int, Error>


Returns a filename for the part if one is defined, or null otherwise.

public getFilename() : string|null

Uses the 'filename' parameter of the Content-Disposition header if it exists, or the 'name' parameter of the 'Content-Type' header if it doesn't.

Return values

the file name of the part or null.


Returns the IHeader object for the header with the given $name.

public getHeader(string $name, int $offset) : IHeader|null

If the optional $offset is passed, and multiple headers exist with the same name, the one at the passed offset is returned.

Note that mime header names aren't case sensitive, and the '-' character is ignored, so ret

If a header with the given $name and $offset doesn't exist, null is returned.

$name : string

The name of the header to retrieve.

$offset : int

Optional offset if there are multiple headers with the given name.

Return values

the header object if it exists, or null if not


Returns the IHeader object for the header with the given $name, using the passed $iHeaderClass to construct it.

public getHeaderAs(string $name, string $iHeaderClass, int $offset) : IHeader|null

If the optional $offset is passed, and multiple headers exist with the same name, the one at the passed offset is returned.

Note that mime headers aren't case sensitive, and the '-' character is

If a header with the given $name and $offset doesn't exist, null is returned.

$name : string

The name of the header to retrieve.

$iHeaderClass : string
$offset : int

Optional offset if there are multiple headers with the given name.

Return values

the header object


Returns the value of the parameter named $param on a header with the passed $header name, or null if the parameter doesn't exist and a $defaultValue isn't passed.

public getHeaderParameter(string $header, string $param[, string|null $defaultValue = null ]) : string|null

Only headers of type ParameterHeader have parameters. Content-Type and Content-Disposition are examples of headers with parameters. "Charset" is a common parameter of Content-Type.

$header : string

The name of the header.

$param : string

The name of the parameter.

$defaultValue : string|null = null

Optional default value to return if the parameter doesn't exist.

Return values

The value of the parameter.


Returns the string value for the header with the given $name, or null if the header doesn't exist and no alternative $defaultValue is passed.

public getHeaderValue(string $name[, string|null $defaultValue = null ]) : string|null

Note that mime headers aren't case sensitive.

$name : string

The name of the header

$defaultValue : string|null = null

Optional default value to return if the header doesn't exist on this part.

Return values

the value of the header


Returns the part at the given 0-based index for this part (part 0) and all parts under it, or null if not found with the passed filter function.

public getPart(int $index[, callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : IMessagePart|null

Note that the first part returned is the current part itself. This is usually desirable for queries with a passed filter, e.g. looking for an part with a specific Content-Type that may be satisfied by the current part.

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$index : int

The 0-based index (0 being this part if $fnFilter is null or this part is satisfied by the filter).

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values

A matching part, or null if not found.


Returns a part that has the given Content ID, or null if not found.

public getPartByContentId(string $contentId) : IMessagePart|null

Calls IMessagePart::getContentId() to find a matching part.

$contentId : string

The content ID to find a part for.

Return values

The matching part.


Returns the part that has a content type matching the passed mime type at the given index, or null if there are no matching parts.

public getPartByMimeType(string $mimeType, int $index) : IMessagePart|null

Creates a filter that looks at the return value of IMessagePart::getContentType() for all parts (including the current part) and returns a matching one at the given 0-based index.

$mimeType : string

The mime type to find.

$index : int

Optional 0-based index (defaulting to '0').

Return values

The part.


Returns the total number of parts in this and all children.

public getPartCount([callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : int

Note that the current part is considered, so the minimum getPartCount is 1 without a filter.

The passed callable must accept an IMessagePart as an argument, and return true if it should be accepted, or false to filter the part out. Some default filters are provided by static functions returning callables in PartFilter.

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values

The number of matching parts.


Returns an iterator to all headers in this part. Each returned element is an array with its first element set to the header's name, and the second to its raw value:

public getRawHeaderIterator() : Traversable<string|int, array<string|int, string>>

[ 'Header-Name', 'Header Value' ]

Return values
Traversable<string|int, array<string|int, string>>

an iterator for raw headers


Returns a two dimensional string array of all headers for the mime part with the first element holding the name, and the second its raw string value:

public getRawHeaders() : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>

[ [ '1st-Header-Name', 'Header Value' ], [ '2nd-Header-Name', 'Header Value' ] ]

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>

an array of raw headers


Returns a resource handle for the string representation of this part, containing its headers, content and children. For an IMessage, this would be the entire RFC822 (or greater) email.

public getResourceHandle() : resource

If the part has not been modified and represents a parsed part, the original stream should be returned. Otherwise a stream representation of the part including its modifications should be returned. This insures that an unmodified, signed message could be passed on that way even after parsing and reading.

The returned stream is not guaranteed to be RFC822 (or greater) compliant for the following reasons:

  • The original email or part, if not modified, is returned as-is and may not be compliant.
  • Although certain parts may have been modified, an original unmodified header from the original email or part may not be compliant.
  • A user may set headers in a non-compliant format.
Return values

the resource handle containing the part.


Returns a Psr7 StreamInterface for the string representation of this part, containing its headers, content and children.

public getStream() : StreamInterface

If the part has not been modified and represents a parsed part, the original stream should be returned. Otherwise a stream representation of the part including its modifications should be returned. This insures that an unmodified, signed message could be passed on that way even after parsing and reading.

The returned stream is not guaranteed to be RFC822 (or greater) compliant for the following reasons:

  • The original email or part, if not modified, is returned as-is and may not be compliant.
  • Although certain parts may have been modified, an original unmodified header from the original email or part may not be compliant.
  • A user may set headers in a non-compliant format.
Return values

the stream containing the part.


Returns true if there are errors on this object, or any IErrorBag child of this object at or above the passed PSR log level in Psr\Log\LogLevel (defaulting to LogLevel::ERROR). Note that this will stop after finding the first error and return, so may be slightly more performant if an error actually exists over calling getAllErrors if only interested in whether an error exists.

public hasAnyErrors([bool $validate = false ][, string $minPsrLevel = LogLevel::ERROR ]) : bool

Care should be taken using this if the intention is to only 'preview' a message without parsing it entirely, since this will cause the whole message to be parsed as it traverses children, and could be slow on messages with large attachments, etc...

If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed to check for errors.

$validate : bool = false
$minPsrLevel : string = LogLevel::ERROR
Return values


Returns true if the part contains a 'body' (content).

public hasContent() : bool
Return values


Returns true if this object has an error in its error bag at or above the passed $minPsrLevel (defaults to ERROR). If $validate is true, additional validation may be performed.

public hasErrors([bool $validate = false ][, string $minPsrLevel = LogLevel::ERROR ]) : bool

The PSR levels are defined in Psr\Log\LogLevel.

$validate : bool = false
$minPsrLevel : string = LogLevel::ERROR
Return values


Returns true.

public isMime() : bool
Return values


Returns true if this part's content type matches multipart/*

public isMultiPart() : bool
Return values


Returns true if this part's parent is an IMessage, and is the same part returned by {@see IMessage::getSignaturePart()}.

public isSignaturePart() : bool
Return values


Returns true if this part has a defined 'charset' on its Content-Type header.

public isTextPart() : bool

This may result in some false positives if charset is set on a part that is not plain text which has been seen. If a part is known to be binary, it's better to use IMessagePart::getBinaryContentStream() to avoid issues, or to call IMessagePart::saveContent() directly if saving a part's content.

Return values


public notify() : void
Return values


Removes all parts below the current part. If a callable filter is passed, removes only those matching the passed filter. The number of removed parts is returned.

public removeAllParts([callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : int

Note: the current part will not be removed. Although the function naming matches getAllParts, which returns the current part, it also doesn't only remove direct children like getChildParts. Internally this function uses getAllParts but the current part is filtered out if returned.

$fnFilter : callable|null = null

Optional function accepting an IMessagePart and returning true if the part should be included.

Return values

The number of removed parts.


Removes all headers from this part with the passed name.

public removeHeader(string $name) : static
$name : string

The name of the header(s) to remove.

Return values


Removes the child part from this part and returns its previous position or null if it wasn't found.

public removePart(IMessagePart $part) : int|null

Note that if the part is not a direct child of this part, the returned position is its index within its parent (calls removePart on its direct parent).

This also means that parts from unrelated parts/messages could be removed by a call to removePart -- it will always remove the part from its parent if it has one, essentially calling php $part->getParent()->removePart(); .

$part : IMessagePart

The part to remove

Return values

The previous index position of the part within its old parent.


Removes a single header with the passed name (in cases where more than one may exist, and others should be preserved).

public removeSingleHeader(string $name, int $offset) : static
$name : string

The name of the header to remove

$offset : int

Optional offset of the header to remove (defaults to 0 -- the first header).

Return values


Writes a string representation of this part, including its headers, content and children to the passed file, resource, or stream.

public save(mixed $filenameResourceOrStream[, string $filemode = 'w+' ]) : static

If the part has not been modified and represents a parsed part, the original stream should be written to the file. Otherwise a stream representation of the part including its modifications should be written. This insures that an unmodified, signed message could be passed on this way even after parsing and reading.

The written stream is not guaranteed to be RFC822 (or greater) compliant for the following reasons:

  • The original email or part, if not modified, is returned as-is and may not be compliant.
  • Although certain parts may have been modified, an original unmodified header from the original email or part may not be compliant.
  • A user may set headers in a non-compliant format.

If the passed $filenameResourceOrStream is a string, it's assumed to be a filename to write to.

When passing a resource or Psr7 Stream, the resource is not closed, nor rewound after being written to.

$filenameResourceOrStream : mixed

the file, resource, or stream to write to.

$filemode : string = 'w+'

Optional filemode to open a file in (if $filenameResourceOrStream is a string)

Return values


Saves the binary content of the stream to the passed file, resource or stream.

public saveContent(mixed $filenameResourceOrStream) : static

Note that charset conversion is not performed in this case, and the contents of the part are saved in their binary format as transmitted (but after any content-transfer decoding is performed). IMessagePart::getBinaryContentStream() for a more detailed description of the stream.

If the passed parameter is a string, it's assumed to be a filename to write to. The file is opened in 'w+' mode, and closed before returning.

When passing a resource or Psr7 Stream, the resource is not closed, nor rewound.

$filenameResourceOrStream : mixed
Return values


Overrides the default character set used for reading content from content streams in cases where a user knows the source charset is not what is specified.

public setCharsetOverride(string $charsetOverride[, bool $onlyIfNoCharset = false ]) : static

If set, the returned value from IMessagePart::getCharset() must be ignored during subsequent read operations and streams created out of this part's content.

Note that setting an override on an IMessage and calling getTextStream, getTextContent, getHtmlStream or getHtmlContent will not be applied to those sub-parts, unless the text/html part is the IMessage itself. Instead, IMessage::getTextPart() should be called, and setCharsetOverride called on the returned IMessagePart.

$charsetOverride : string

the actual charset of the content.

$onlyIfNoCharset : bool = false

if true, $charsetOverride is used only if getCharset returns null.

Return values


Sets the content of the part to the passed string, resource, or stream.

public setContent(mixed $resource[, string $charset = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET ]) : static
$resource : mixed

the content.

$charset : string = MailMimeParser::DEFAULT_CHARSET
Return values


Adds a header with the given $name and $value. An optional $offset may be passed, which will overwrite a header if one exists with the given name and offset only. Otherwise a new header is added. The passed $offset may be ignored in that case if it doesn't represent the next insert position for the header with the passed name... instead it would be 'pushed' on at the next position.

public setRawHeader(string $name, string|null $value, int $offset) : static
$part = $myMimePart;
$part->setRawHeader('New-Header', 'value');
echo $part->getHeaderValue('New-Header');        // 'value'

$part->setRawHeader('New-Header', 'second', 4);
echo is_null($part->getHeader('New-Header', 4)); // '1' (true)
echo $part->getHeader('New-Header', 1)
     ->getValue();                               // 'second'

A new IHeader object is created from the passed value. No processing on the passed string is performed, and so the passed name and value must be formatted correctly according to related RFCs. In particular, be careful to encode non-ascii data, to keep lines under 998 characters in length, and to follow any special formatting required for the type of header.

$name : string

The name of the new header, e.g. 'Content-Type'.

$value : string|null

The raw value of the new header.

$offset : int

An optional offset, defaulting to '0' and therefore overriding the first header of the given $name if one exists.

Return values


Perform any extra validation and call 'addError'.

protected validate() : void

getErrors and getAllErrors call validate() if their $validate parameter is true. validate() is only called once on an object with getErrors getAllErrors.

Return values


private getAllPartsIterator() : AppendIterator
Return values


private iteratorFindAt(Iterator $iter, int $index[, callable|null $fnFilter = null ]) : IMessagePart|null
$iter : Iterator
$index : int
$fnFilter : callable|null = null
Return values

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