MailMimeParser 3.0

CommentConsumerService extends GenericConsumerService
in package

Consumes all tokens within parentheses as comments.

Parenthetical comments in mime-headers can be nested within one another. The outer-level continues after an inner-comment ends. Additionally, quoted-literals may exist with comments as well meaning a parenthesis inside a quoted string would not begin or end a comment section.

In order to satisfy these specifications, CommentConsumerService inherits from GenericConsumerService which defines CommentConsumerService and QuotedStringConsumerService as sub-consumers.

Examples: X-Mime-Header: Some value (comment) X-Mime-Header: Some value (comment (nested comment) still in comment) X-Mime-Header: Some value (comment "and part of original ) comment" - still a comment)


Zaahid Bateson

Table of Contents

$logger  : LoggerInterface
$partFactory  : HeaderPartFactory
$subConsumers  : array<string|int, mixed>
$tokenSplitPattern  : string|null
__construct()  : mixed
__invoke()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Invokes parsing of a header's value into header parts.
advanceToNextToken()  : static
Calls $tokens->next() and returns.
getAllConsumers()  : array<string|int, AbstractConsumerService>
Returns this consumer and all unique sub consumers.
getAllTokenSeparators()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns a list of regular expression markers for this consumer and all sub-consumers by calling getTokenSeparators().
getConsumerTokenParts()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Iterates through this consumer's sub-consumers checking if the current token triggers a sub-consumer's start token and passes control onto that sub-consumer's parseTokenIntoParts().
getPartForToken()  : IHeaderPart|null
Instantiates and returns Part\Token objects.
getTokenParts()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Returns an array of IHeaderPart for the current token on the iterator.
getTokenSeparators()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns patterns matching open and close parenthesis characters as separators.
getTokenSplitPattern()  : string
Returns a regex pattern used to split the input header string.
isEndToken()  : bool
Returns true if the token is a close parenthesis character, ')'.
isStartToken()  : bool
Returns true if the token is an open parenthesis character, '('.
parseTokensIntoParts()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Iterates over the passed token Iterator and returns an array of parsed IHeaderPart objects.
processParts()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Post processing involves creating a single Part\CommentPart out of generated parts from tokens. The Part\CommentPart is returned in an array.
splitRawValue()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns an array of split tokens from the input string.
parseRawValue()  : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Parses the raw header value into header parts.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $subConsumers = []

array of sub-consumers used by this consumer if any, or an empty array if none exist.


private string|null $tokenSplitPattern = null

the generated token split pattern on first run, so it doesn't need to be regenerated every time.



Invokes parsing of a header's value into header parts.

public __invoke(string $value) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
$value : string

the raw header value

Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

the array of parsed parts


Calls $tokens->next() and returns.

protected advanceToNextToken(Iterator $tokens, bool $isStartToken) : static

The default implementation checks if the current token is an end token, and will not advance past it. Because a comment part of a header can be nested, its implementation must advance past its own 'end' token.

$tokens : Iterator
$isStartToken : bool
Return values


Returns this consumer and all unique sub consumers.

protected getAllConsumers() : array<string|int, AbstractConsumerService>

Loops into the sub-consumers (and their sub-consumers, etc...) finding all unique consumers, and returns them in an array.

Return values
array<string|int, AbstractConsumerService>

Array of unique consumers.


Returns a list of regular expression markers for this consumer and all sub-consumers by calling getTokenSeparators().

protected getAllTokenSeparators() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

Array of regular expression markers.


Iterates through this consumer's sub-consumers checking if the current token triggers a sub-consumer's start token and passes control onto that sub-consumer's parseTokenIntoParts().

protected getConsumerTokenParts(Iterator<string|int, string> $tokens) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

If no sub-consumer is responsible for the current token, calls AbstractConsumerService::getPartForToken() and returns it in an array.

$tokens : Iterator<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>


Instantiates and returns Part\Token objects.

protected getPartForToken(string $token, bool $isLiteral) : IHeaderPart|null

Tokens from this and sub-consumers are combined into a Part\CommentPart in processParts.

$token : string
$isLiteral : bool
Return values


Returns an array of IHeaderPart for the current token on the iterator.

protected getTokenParts(Iterator<string|int, string> $tokens) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

If the current token is a start token from a sub-consumer, the sub- consumer's AbstractConsumerService::parseTokensIntoParts() method is called.

$tokens : Iterator<string|int, string>

The token iterator.

Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>


Returns patterns matching open and close parenthesis characters as separators.

protected getTokenSeparators() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>

the patterns


Returns true if the token is a close parenthesis character, ')'.

protected isEndToken(string $token) : bool
$token : string
Return values


Returns true if the token is an open parenthesis character, '('.

protected isStartToken(string $token) : bool
$token : string
Return values


Iterates over the passed token Iterator and returns an array of parsed IHeaderPart objects.

protected parseTokensIntoParts(Iterator<string|int, string> $tokens) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

The method checks each token to see if the token matches a sub-consumer's start token, or if it matches the current consumer's end token to stop processing.

If a sub-consumer's start token is matched, the sub-consumer is invoked and its returned parts are merged to the current consumer's header parts.

After all tokens are read and an array of Header\Parts are constructed, the array is passed to AbstractConsumerService::processParts for any final processing if there are any parts.

$tokens : Iterator<string|int, string>

An iterator over a string of tokens

Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

An array of parsed parts


Post processing involves creating a single Part\CommentPart out of generated parts from tokens. The Part\CommentPart is returned in an array.

protected processParts(array<string|int, IHeaderPart$parts) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
$parts : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>
Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>


Returns an array of split tokens from the input string.

protected splitRawValue(string $rawValue) : array<string|int, string>

The method calls preg_split using AbstractConsumerService::getTokenSplitPattern(). The split array will not contain any empty parts and will contain the markers.

$rawValue : string

the raw string

Return values
array<string|int, string>

the array of tokens


Parses the raw header value into header parts.

private parseRawValue(string $value) : array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

Calls splitTokens to split the value into token part strings, then calls parseParts to parse the returned array.

$value : string
Return values
array<string|int, IHeaderPart>

the array of parsed parts

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