- Part
- Proxy
Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- IParser
- Interface defining a message part parser.
- HeaderParser
- Reads headers from an input stream, adding them to a PartHeaderContainer.
- MessageParser
- Parses a mail mime message into its component parts. To invoke, call
{@see MailMimeParser::parse()}.
- MimeParser
- Parses content and children of MIME parts.
- NonMimeParser
- Parses content for non-mime messages and uu-encoded child parts.
- PartBuilder
- Holds generic/all purpose information about a part while it's being parsed.
- PartBuilderFactory
- Responsible for creating PartBuilder instances.
- AbstractParser
- Provides basic implementations for:
- IParser::setParserManager
- IParser::getParserMessageProxyFactory (returns $this->parserMessageProxyFactory
which can be set via the default constructor)
- IParser::getParserPartProxyFactory (returns $this->parserPartProxyFactory
which can be set via the default constructor)
- ParserManager
- Manages a prioritized list of IParser objects for parsing messages and parts
and creating proxied parts.