MailMimeParser 1.1

ParameterPart extends MimeLiteralPart

Represents a name/value pair part of a header.


Zaahid Bateson

Table of Contents

MIME_PART_PATTERN  = '=\?[^?=]+\?[QBqb]\?[^\?]+\?='
MIME_PART_PATTERN_NO_QUOTES  = '=\?[^\?=]+\?[QBqb]\?[^\?"]+\?='
$canIgnoreSpacesAfter  : bool
$canIgnoreSpacesBefore  : bool
$charsetConverter  : MbWrapper
$language  : string
$languages  : array<string|int, mixed>
$name  : string
$value  : string
__construct()  : mixed
Constructs a ParameterPart out of a name/value pair. The name and value are both mime-decoded if necessary.
__toString()  : string
Returns the value of the part (which is a string).
getLanguage()  : string
Returns the RFC-1766 (or subset) language tag, if the parameter is a split RFC-2231 part with a language tag set.
getLanguageArray()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>
Returns an array of parts mapped to languages in the header value, for instance the string:
getName()  : string
Returns the name of the parameter.
getValue()  : string
Returns the part's value.
ignoreSpacesAfter()  : bool
Returns true if spaces after this part should be ignored. True is only returned for MimeLiterals if the part ends with a mime-encoded string Tokens if the Token's value is a single space, and for CommentParts.
ignoreSpacesBefore()  : bool
Returns true if spaces before this part should be ignored. True is only returned for MimeLiterals if the part begins with a mime-encoded string, Tokens if the Token's value is a single space, and for CommentParts.
addToLanguage()  : mixed
Adds the passed part into the languages array with the given language.
convertEncoding()  : string
Ensures the encoding of the passed string is set to UTF-8.
decodeMime()  : string
Finds and replaces mime parts with their values.
decodeMatchedEntity()  : string
Decodes a matched mime entity part into a string and returns it, after adding the string into the languages array.
decodeSplitPart()  : string
Decodes a single mime-encoded entity.



public string MIME_PART_PATTERN = '=\?[^?=]+\?[QBqb]\?[^\?]+\?='


public string MIME_PART_PATTERN_NO_QUOTES = '=\?[^\?=]+\?[QBqb]\?[^\?"]+\?='



protected bool $canIgnoreSpacesBefore = false


protected MbWrapper $charsetConverter



Constructs a ParameterPart out of a name/value pair. The name and value are both mime-decoded if necessary.

public __construct(MbWrapper $charsetConverter, string $name, string $value[, string $language = null ]) : mixed

If $language is provided, $name and $value are not mime-decoded. Instead, they're taken as literals as part of a SplitParameterToken.

$charsetConverter : MbWrapper
$name : string
$value : string
$language : string = null
Return values


Returns the value of the part (which is a string).

public __toString() : string
Return values

the value


Returns the RFC-1766 (or subset) language tag, if the parameter is a split RFC-2231 part with a language tag set.

public getLanguage() : string
Return values


Returns an array of parts mapped to languages in the header value, for instance the string:

public getLanguageArray() : array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>

'Hello and =?UTF-8fr-be?Q?bonjour_?= =?UTF-8it?Q?mi amici?=. Welcome!'

Would be mapped in the returned array as follows:

    0 => [ 'lang' => null, 'value' => 'Hello and ' ],
    1 => [ 'lang' => 'fr-be', 'value' => 'bonjour ' ],
    3 => [ 'lang' => 'it', 'value' => 'mi amici' ],
    4 => [ 'lang' => null, 'value' => ' Weolcome!' ]
Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, string>>


Returns the name of the parameter.

public getName() : string
Return values


Returns the part's value.

public getValue() : string
Return values

the value of the part


Returns true if spaces after this part should be ignored. True is only returned for MimeLiterals if the part ends with a mime-encoded string Tokens if the Token's value is a single space, and for CommentParts.

public ignoreSpacesAfter() : bool
Return values


Returns true if spaces before this part should be ignored. True is only returned for MimeLiterals if the part begins with a mime-encoded string, Tokens if the Token's value is a single space, and for CommentParts.

public ignoreSpacesBefore() : bool
Return values


Adds the passed part into the languages array with the given language.

protected addToLanguage(string $part[, string|null $language = null ]) : mixed
$part : string
$language : string|null = null
Return values


Ensures the encoding of the passed string is set to UTF-8.

protected convertEncoding(string $str[, string $from = 'ISO-8859-1' ][, bool $force = false ]) : string

The method does nothing if the passed $from charset is UTF-8 already, or if $force is set to false and mb_check_encoding for $str returns true for 'UTF-8'.

$str : string
$from : string = 'ISO-8859-1'
$force : bool = false
Return values

utf-8 string


Finds and replaces mime parts with their values.

protected decodeMime(string $value) : string

The method splits the token value into an array on mime-part-patterns, either replacing a mime part with its value by calling iconv_mime_decode or converts the encoding on the text part by calling convertEncoding.

$value : string
Return values


Decodes a matched mime entity part into a string and returns it, after adding the string into the languages array.

private decodeMatchedEntity(array<string|int, string> $matches) : string
$matches : array<string|int, string>
Return values


Decodes a single mime-encoded entity.

private decodeSplitPart(string $entity) : string

Unfortunately, mb_decode_header fails for many charsets on PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.5 (even if they're listed as supported). iconv_mime_decode doesn't support all charsets.

Parsing out the charset and body of the encoded entity seems to be the way to go to support the most charsets.

$entity : string
Return values

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