Parses a mail mime message into its component parts. To invoke, call MailMimeParser::parse.
Table of Contents
- $message : Message
- $partFactory : MimePartFactory
- $partStreamRegistry : PartStreamRegistry
- __construct() : mixed
- Sets up the parser with its dependencies.
- parse() : Message
- Parses the passed stream handle into the ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message object and returns it.
- attachStreamHandles() : mixed
- read() : mixed
- Reads the message from the input stream $handle into $message.
- readHeaders() : mixed
- Reads header lines up to an empty line, adding them to the passed $part.
- readMimeMessagePart() : MimePart
- Finds the boundaries for the current MimePart, reads its content and creates and returns the next part, setting its parent part accordingly.
- readPartContent() : bool
- Reads the content of a mime part up to a boundary, or the entire message if no boundary is specified.
- readUUEncodedOrPlainTextPart() : string
- Reads one part of a UUEncoded message and adds it to the passed Message as a MimePart.
- addRawHeaderToPart() : mixed
- Ensures the header isn't empty, and contains a colon character, then splits it and assigns it to $part
- addToParent() : mixed
- Adds the part to its parent.
- findNextUUEncodedPartPosition() : mixed
- Extracts the filename and end position of a UUEncoded part.
- findPartBoundaries() : mixed
- Finds the end of the Mime part at the current read position in $handle and sets $boundaryLength to the number of bytes in the part, and $endBoundaryFound to true if it's an 'end' boundary, meaning there are no further parts for the current mime part (ends with --).
- getParentBoundary() : string
- Returns the boundary from the parent MimePart, or the current boundary if $parent is null
- newMimePartForMessage() : MimePart
- Instantiates and returns a new MimePart setting the part's parent to either the passed $parent, or $message if $parent is null.
- readLine() : string
- Reads a line of up to the passed number of characters. If the line is larger than that, the remaining characters in the line are read and discarded, and only the first part is returned.
- readMimeMessageBoundaryParts() : MimePart
- Keeps reading if an end boundary is found, to find the parent's boundary and the part's content.
Sets up the parser with its dependencies.
__construct(Message $m, MimePartFactory $pf, PartStreamRegistry $psr) : mixed
- $m : Message
- $pf : MimePartFactory
- $psr : PartStreamRegistry
Return values
mixed —parse()
Parses the passed stream handle into the ZBateson\MailMimeParser\Message object and returns it.
parse(resource $fhandle) : Message
- $fhandle : resource
the resource handle to the input stream of the mime message
Return values
Message —attachStreamHandles()
attachStreamHandles(type $handle, MimePart $part, Message $message, type $contentStartPos, type $boundaryLength) : mixed
Return values
mixed —read()
Reads the message from the input stream $handle into $message.
read(resource $handle, Message $message) : mixed
The method will loop to read headers and find and parse multipart-mime message parts and uuencoded attachments (as mime-parts), adding them to the passed Message object.
- $handle : resource
- $message : Message
Return values
mixed —readHeaders()
Reads header lines up to an empty line, adding them to the passed $part.
readHeaders(resource $handle, MimePart $part) : mixed
- $handle : resource
the resource handle to read from
- $part : MimePart
the current part to add headers to
Return values
mixed —readMimeMessagePart()
Finds the boundaries for the current MimePart, reads its content and creates and returns the next part, setting its parent part accordingly.
readMimeMessagePart(resource $handle, Message $message, MimePart $part) : MimePart
Return values
MimePart —readPartContent()
Reads the content of a mime part up to a boundary, or the entire message if no boundary is specified.
readPartContent(resource $handle, Message $message, MimePart $part, string $boundary, bool $skipPart) : bool
readPartContent may be called to skip to the first boundary to read its headers, in which case $skipPart should be true.
If the end boundary is found, the method returns true.
- $handle : resource
the input stream resource
- $message : Message
the current Message object
- $part : MimePart
the current MimePart object to load the content into.
- $boundary : string
the MIME boundary
- $skipPart : bool
pass true if the intention is to read up to the beginning MIME boundary's headers
Return values
bool —if the end boundary is found
Reads one part of a UUEncoded message and adds it to the passed Message as a MimePart.
readUUEncodedOrPlainTextPart(resource $handle, Message $message) : string
The method reads up to the first 'begin' part of the message, or to the end of the message if no 'begin' exists.
- $handle : resource
- $message : Message
Return values
string —addRawHeaderToPart()
Ensures the header isn't empty, and contains a colon character, then splits it and assigns it to $part
addRawHeaderToPart(string $header, MimePart $part) : mixed
- $header : string
- $part : MimePart
Return values
mixed —addToParent()
Adds the part to its parent.
addToParent(MimePart $part) : mixed
- $part : MimePart
Return values
mixed —findNextUUEncodedPartPosition()
Extracts the filename and end position of a UUEncoded part.
findNextUUEncodedPartPosition(resource $handle) : mixed
The filename is set to the passed $nextFilename parameter. The end position is returned.
- $handle : resource
the current file handle
Return values
mixed —findPartBoundaries()
Finds the end of the Mime part at the current read position in $handle and sets $boundaryLength to the number of bytes in the part, and $endBoundaryFound to true if it's an 'end' boundary, meaning there are no further parts for the current mime part (ends with --).
findPartBoundaries(resource $handle, string $boundary, int &$boundaryLength, bool &$endBoundaryFound) : mixed
- $handle : resource
- $boundary : string
- $boundaryLength : int
- $endBoundaryFound : bool
Return values
mixed —getParentBoundary()
Returns the boundary from the parent MimePart, or the current boundary if $parent is null
getParentBoundary(string $curBoundary[, MimePart $parent = null ]) : string
- $curBoundary : string
- $parent : MimePart = null
Return values
string —newMimePartForMessage()
Instantiates and returns a new MimePart setting the part's parent to either the passed $parent, or $message if $parent is null.
newMimePartForMessage(Message $message[, MimePart $parent = null ]) : MimePart
Return values
MimePart —readLine()
Reads a line of up to the passed number of characters. If the line is larger than that, the remaining characters in the line are read and discarded, and only the first part is returned.
readLine(resource $handle[, int $size = 4096 ]) : string
- $handle : resource
- $size : int = 4096
Return values
string —readMimeMessageBoundaryParts()
Keeps reading if an end boundary is found, to find the parent's boundary and the part's content.
readMimeMessageBoundaryParts(resource $handle, Message $message, MimePart $parent, MimePart $part, string $boundary, bool $skipFirst) : MimePart
- $handle : resource
- $message : Message
- $parent : MimePart
- $part : MimePart
- $boundary : string
- $skipFirst : bool